Yohjo Simulator

Yohjo Simulator user review Don't trust the rating, this game has more joke reviews than serious reviews. You should know that ALMOST EVERY positive review on this game is a joke. There is nothing to this game its just a unreal map that you can climb some stuff and hit some objects. The 'game' consists of no menu options, an animated girl, an. This is a little girl simulator. You control Yagi, a 3rd grade elementary school girl, and wander around town. There's no goal in this game. You need to decide the goal for yourself. It's the same as in life. This is an amazingly realistic simulator. Updates for the game will.

A little girl simulator where players meander about the city dealing with creepy men around every corner, Yohjo Simulator was bizarre enough upon release. Within just days of release, however, Yohjo Simulator was suddenly pulled from Steam without explanation. It quickly became clear that the reason likely stemmed from quite the sour Easter egg that players soon discovered, in what can only be described as a highly-disturbing scene depicting a young female character laying on the ground with a male character standing over her, and a pair of undergarments lying beside her.

About a week has gone by since the game was removed and Sekai Project has today broke its silence, confirming to Hardcore Gamer that this was indeed the reason for its removal from Steam.

Apparently an overwhelming amount of complaints were filed for Yohjo Simulator’s removal from Steam and when Sekai Project realized that the scene in question was included in it, the game was yanked. Before re-releasing the game, Sekai Project will be working with the developer to remove the scene in question as well as anything that “even remotely” resembles it, and will also be looking to add additional gameplay features and in-game content.

“We would like to formally apologize for not having discovered this content before the game was released,” said Sekai Project. “Had we known it would have been swiftly removed from the game. Unfortunately, this was not the case and we are truly sorry for the severe oversight on our part. We hope that this has not left a negative impact on how you use Steam as a gaming service, or your experience with Sekai Project and our releases. This has served as a valuable lesson and will have a significant but positive impact on how we test upcoming titles before they are released.”

No timetable has been given for its re-release.

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