Tilt To Live Give Peace A Chance Harder

A/N: *hides from angry readers* I am so sorry this update is so delayed! The chapter itself isn't as long as it was supposed to be and real life got in the way in the form of crazy bridal showers and me moving again for University.

On that note I may be moving updates to twice a month or once a month. This depends on my course load this semester and how much I procrastinate.

More than that, Give Peace a Chance: Preventing Mass Violence serves as a methodical handbook to help guide the next generation of peacemakers who seek to take up the torch that David Hamburg has worked so hard and for so long to light.” ―Foreign Policy Association.

But for now I hope you enjoy Chapter 10!

I would like to thank you who reviewed. I know not everyone who reads, reviews, but they truly make my day : ). So much thanks to: TaeMint, FelineWolf ( I am so glad you like it, which is what I think your thoughts were. As far as Evan remembering that he will be Michael, it is more intrinsically he knows he will one day be that person, but can't think like that because it could be dangerous, so there is a mind block there, if you will. What confuses you? I'd be happy to answer any specific questions you have :). As far as pureblood manners go different cultures have different mannerisms, whether it be ethnic or even in different socio-ecnomic status', they are minute but they exist. I feel the pureblood system would have its own set of codes.), Madrea Salazar Riddle( I think you will enjoy this chapter!), Nightshade's sydneylover150, KneazleGriff( I am glad you enjoyed Hogsmeade and the three's interaction. Nott is a bit silly when he drinks, apparently. I hope Evan is okay too!) Arfa, Travis Castiel Olivera, Lou(Haha, your review made me smile, because I have definitely done that before! I hope you got your work done!) TearfullPixie, BasiltoBlithe, GoddessonmyKnees(I shall neither confirm or deny your suspicions ;) And we shall learn more about the potion later), D.Akisira R.T.M.S( I am so glad you like the story! Harry is not supposed to change the past and I really cannot say more without ruining the story, but I has plans :3) patheticboneslover, Mia Tun (Sorry about the delayed update! I consider myself warned as well)Cazzylove, Deby Magid( you are about to find out!)

And eternal gratitude to Ginji, who has been acting as beta and helping with wondrous things like kola nuts and making sure the update happened!

Onto Chapter 10!

A Chance to Live

Chapter 10

'-doing here.'

'-potion… where….'

Evan's whole body felt heavy, where was he? The air here had an awfully familiar taste…

He heard a groan from somewhere.

'I think he is coming to, would you go get Pomfrey?' A low voice asked, followed by the sound of someone walking into the distance.

Something warm and comforting left his hand before he heard a rustle of two people approaching.

'Mr. Snape if you wouldn't mind just holding him up please?' Evan knew that voice.

A thin arm snaked around behind his back and pulled his body to an upright position. As if in defiance of the movement, his body made another audible sound of displeasure.

'Mr. Michaels, are you aware enough to drink something for me?' The familiar voice spoke again in a soothing voice.

Not really because he was aware of his surroundings, but more because he was used to this dance, Evan opened his mouth and drank whatever liquid was poured into it. There were traces of bitter-root and powdered kola nut, Evan recognized these as common ingredients to help with glamour potions.

His eyes flew open to take in the all-too-familiar surroundings of the hospital wing and the annoyed but smiling face of Madame Pomfrey.

Evan thought he heard the sound of a girl gasping, but right now he had to focus on his appearance, how it would look to other people. He closed his eyes quickly and threw up a minor glamour that would make his appearance look the same as it had for the last couple of months to counteract whatever the potion may try to do. He wasn't sure what exactly was going on, but if someone was trying to cancel out charms on his appearance… there could be disastrous ramifications to say the least.

'There see, starting to work just fine already.' The younger Madame Pomfrey said soothingly.

Evan chanced his eyes open again, now that he was sure the potion would not ruin the potion he had taken earlier in the year, and took in his surroundings.

To his left was Snape who looked like he had been sitting for awhile, his Shakespeare book propped open on the bedside table. Madame Pomfrey was on his right and Evan could see a shaken Lily behind her.

Pomfrey gave Lily and Snape a stern look. 'I will let you visit for five minutes, but after that Mr. Michaels will need his rest.'

After receiving promises from the two teens that they would leave when their five minutes were up, Lily took the seat to his right.

'What happened?' Evan managed to sit up in the hospital bed, but his whole body felt like Grawp had decided to use him for hugging practice.

'Someone sabotaged your potion and it exploded.' Snape stated as if these facts had already been confirmed.

'We don't know if that's true Sev.'

Evan turned to look at Lily who seemed shocked.

'What happened to your forehead?' The red-head asked, pointing to the body part in question.

'What?!' Evan's hand flew to his forehead, only to make contact with some kind slimy substance.

'Don't touch it!' Snape's hand slapped his own away. 'Most of the potion hit your robes, but some of it landed on your face and in your hair, your hair was turning strange colors for awhile. The potion Madame Pomfrey just administered was supposed to bring your appearance back to normal.'

'Oh..' Evan looked at his hand and saw that there was a clear substance with a green like tinge.

'Here.' Snape passed him a cloth. 'If Pomfrey finds out we let you mess with your salve she'll have all of our hides.'

Evan wiped his fingers off on the towel and repeated his question. 'What exactly happened?'

'I'm not sure… Lily and I were retrieving our phials for our potion, next thing we know Slughorn is telling people to get away from your cauldron, you yelled something indiscernible at Lupin before the whole contents of the cauldron exploded on you.' Snape recited.

Lily nodded as if in agreement to Snape's version of events. 'Slughorn said it was really lucky you had a containment charm on your cauldron, otherwise it may have hit more than just you and Remus.'

'Lupin was injured?' Evan asked, the whole encounter slowly coming back to him.

'That's the strange thing- Lupin walked away completely unscathed.' Snape said in a thoughtful tone.

'Well he wasn't hurt, but he was really shaken.' Lily clarified.

'Oh… How long was I out for?'

'Only a couple of hours…' Snape said with that face that made Evan feel like he was a puzzle.

Madame Pomfrey bustled back in to shoo the two of them out and promised that Evan would be at breakfast the following morning. What surprised Evan was that after that she came back to sit in the chair that Lily had vacated.

'Mr. Michaels I tried to contact your Uncle, unfortunately I was unable to. Do you have an address for him, so I can write him so he is aware of what happened?'

'Oh, I think it may be on file somewhere- I just moved into his house. I don't remember the address…' Feeling silly for not knowing something so trivial, Evan felt a blush heat his face as he fiddled with the bed sheets.

'That is quite alright, dear. I really do need you to rest, unfortunately the potion I gave you…'

'Has a mild stimulant in it I know.'

At this Pomfrey's eyebrows shot up. 'That is a very astute observation Mr. Michaels'

'Oh,' Evan blushed again. The potion he took probably hindered his ability to think before he spoke. 'I erm, study medicinal magic in my spare time.'

'You study medicinal magic in your spare time.' Madame Pomfrey repeated back in a flat voice.

Killer instinct 2 arcade download. It is currently unknown why her stage triggers this text to be loaded into memory. All others go by a generic entry instead of their final names. (Source: Paulina Jaramillo) Early Diagnostic InformationWhile battling on Kim Wu's stage, it is possible to find this text allocated at a dynamic location in memory. Note that version 1.0 of the disk image has never been dumped, and is believed to no longer exist.KI2 disk version 1.0Copyright Rare/Nintendo 1995KI2 V1.0Character ListingsThe game contains two character lists that show a progression in character development up until the release.Name List 1Within this listing found at address 88031C3B, only the characters from the previous game are named excluding an early name for Kim Wu 'Kung Kim'.

'Uh, yeah.'

'Were you…' Pomfrey shook her head. 'That is a conversation for a different time.' Before Evan could ask what Pomfrey was talking about she spoke again. 'I was going to ask if you would like a book to read while you wait for the stimulating affects to wear down a bit…'

'Do you have any books about how potions work to battle illnesses in the body?' Evan heard himself ask, before realizing that he was probably giving out way too much information about himself and cursed the side-effects of the potion Pomfrey had given him. 'I mean err, I heard that is a good place to start, you know? Knowing exactly what potions do to the body to heal it…' Evan trailed off.

'There are some schools of thought who believe that is true.' Pomfrey said slowly. She took out her wand and summoned a book which sailed into her hand.

I believe this book will be helpful to you, Mr. Michaels.' She passed Evan a crème colored book, with the title A Healer's Journey written in aquamarine ink.

'Oh, erm.'

'Do you have a problem with this book?' Pomfrey inquired.

'No, it's just- well I've already read it.' Evan swore to never take this potion again, had he been in his right mind he would have just taken the blasted book and read it again, for appearances sake.

Pomfrey did seem surprised by this and a thoughtful look passed over her features. 'Mr. Evans, would you mind answering some questions for me about your knowledge of medicinal magic?'

'Err, no problem.'

Madame Pomfrey got up from his bedside and came back five minutes later with a parchment and a quill.

'All right Mr. Michaels, let's see what you've got.'

Evan was not entirely sure how it happened, but by the time he left the hospital wing that evening, he had agreed to Saturday morning healing lessons with Madame Pomfrey.

He let his thoughts wander as he headed down to the great hall for dinner. He had wanted to read a book on healing and somehow had ended up taking an aptitude test on his basic understanding of healing.

Pomfrey had muttered about Hogwarts' lack of healing classes and about how she knew a lot of it depended on NEWT scores for getting into healing programs, but still how were student to know if they didn't take some kind of basic first-aid course, well more than just learning about certain healing potions in class and how to transfigure a stretcher.

Evan took his seat next to Snape at the Slytherin table and started helping himself to dinner. 'What did I miss in ancient runes?' Evan asked as he sipped at his pumpkin juice.

'Not too much that I shouldn't be able to catch you up to speed within half an hour.' Snape answered.

'You also found out a new way to construct that spell we've been working on.' J.D. commented with his mouth full of potatoes. Really, the boy had no tact.

Evan sensed more than felt Snape tense next to him. After all the time they spent together, Snape never really told him much about what they were working on in that club and Evan never asked.

Not wanting the other boys to know how in the dark he was about their dealings he made a vague reply. 'I'm sure that will speed along your process.'

Not wanting to make eye contact with Snape, Evan reached for more carrots.

'We are hoping it will.' Snape said in a slow confused voice. Evan glanced a chance at Snape now and saw that the other boys gaze had roamed to the Gryffindor table- where there were four students missing.

'I wonder where Lupin is…' Snape said in a small thoughtful voice.

'From what Lily said, I gather he is probably still recovering from the shock of being nearly drenched in a potion.'

Snape looked at him for a moment as if startled, than back to the Gryffindor table. 'Maybe, but you are here gracing us with your presence at dinner now.' He pointed out.

Evan swallowed some of his roast. 'Yes, but I got to recover in the comfort of the hospital wing.'

Snape made a non-committal noise and glanced back at the table. Evan had a guess as to what Snape was thinking of as his gaze wandered to the ceiling, the full moon displayed in all its glory, and Evan wished he really didn't know what ideas were forming in Snape's head.

'I'm so excited!' Lily bounced up and down then gave Snape a nudge.

Evan rolled his eyes at the two. They were standing in line to borrow school brooms again. Well, Lily and Snape were, Evan had his broom safe within its brown paper folding. Apparently the two had some sort of tradition where they flew over to the clearing Snape had taken him to back in October after the first snow fall.

It was lucky that it had decided to snow on the first Saturday of December, seeing as how next Saturday was a Hogsmeade weekend and the week after next most of the students would be going home to their families.

Evan hung back while his two companions checked out their brooms.

'I haven't been on a broom in ages!' Lily announced as she threw the broom over her shoulder as the three began walking in the distance of the clearing.

'I didn't know you liked flying.' The words were out of Evan's mouth before he thought them.

Lily gave him a guarded look. She'd been doing that lately, ever since she had learned of his supposed reasons for living with his Uncle. Evan gave a mental sigh, she really didn't have to be so careful around him.

'I don't like playing quidditch, but I do enjoy the feeling of flying.' She shrugged her shoulders.

They were nearly to the point where Snape and Harry had mounted their brooms on the last excursion when a familiar voice called out.

'Where are you going with such bad company, Evans?'

Evan knew that voice. The three of them turned and saw Sirius standing a bit in front of the rest of the marauders, who all had their brooms as well.

'None of your business, Black.' Lily snapped back at Sirius.

'Evans if you want to actually see how flying is done you should come with us. We're about to do some practice drills.' James threw a quaffle in the air and caught it, all the while smiling at Lily.

'Like she needs to follow them to see some quality flying.' Snape muttered with a snort, giving Evan a knowing look.

Ignoring James, Lily turned to Evan and Snape. 'What's that supposed to mean?'

'Nothing.' Evan replied, possibly a bit too quickly, judging from the speculative look on Lily's face.

Peter gave a disgusting hoot of laughter. 'What?! Think your little friends are really better fliers than James is?'

Nott had not been lying at the Halloween party when he had told Evan about how amazing the Gryffindor team was. Regulus Black had indeed been the one to catch the snitch first but James had made so many goals by that time, it was more to save the Slytherins from such an embarrassing defeat.

'It doesn't matter what we think, when we know fact.' Snape let out an arrogant snort.

'Severus what are you talking about!' Evan hissed before the Marauders could say anything else.

'Evan, please you could out-fly any of them, any time you wanted.' Snape's voice was a bit louder than Evan would have liked.

'You really think Michaels could beat me at any part in quidditch?' James' arrogant smirk was rather off putting.

Ever the voice of reason Lily spoke up. 'This is stupid. Come on guys, let's just go.' Lily turned around and Evan followed.

Snape however had not by the time Sirius made a cat-call.

'Look at them, running with their tail between their legs. Slimy Slytherins.'

While Evan truly wanted to point out that Lily, who in fact was a Gryffindor, was just being a responsible party and decided to walk away, not run away.

'Last time I checked snakes didn't have legs to hide their tails. Lions did.' Evan surprised himself even with how cold his voice sounded. Not to mention the fact that he had said that at all. Why was it so easy to give in to childish taunts and so hard to be the mature adult and just walk away?

'Is that a challenge, Michaels?'

Evan took a deep breath, no he really ought to walk away, he didn't have time for childish games.

'No, it's not. It means we-'

'We know there is no challenge, so why bother? Evan could fly circles around you lot.' Snape broke into the conversation.

'Severus!' Evan snapped.

'It doesn't matter James. Looks like Michaels is too much of a coward to take you on.' Sirius sneered.

'Don't call me a coward.' There were many things he could be called, coward apparently crossed the line.

'Prove it.' James smirked.

'Fine, name your terms.' Evan had a feeling he was going to regret this.

'There is a clearing a bit further on-' Evan figured the marauders knew of the clearing because of their late night escapades in the forest '-meet us there.'

With that the four marauders mounted their brooms and flew off to the clearing.

'Don't be nervous, Evan.' Lily's hand came upon his shoulder to sooth him. Evan didn't understand why she did it until he realized he was shaking.

'I'm not nervous- I'm furious.'

'About them calling you coward?' Snape seemed confused that something like that could upset him so much.

Putting the anger behind his shields, Evan calmed down. 'I'll tell you later, right now I have to follow through on my word.'

Lily's arm dropped as he unwrapped his broom from its brown paper and mounted it. Not bothering to see if Lily and Snape were following him, he headed to the clearing.

'How are we to judge flying skills- there aren't hoops.' Evan pointed out to James once he landed. With Lily and Snape landing just moments after him.

'Nah, chaser is not the best position for that- seeker is.' As Sirius said it, Evan could feel Snape's knowing smirk.

'If you feel that best.' Evan conceded, he really didn't think it was an appropriate time to mention that he was the youngest seeker in a century. 'What shall we use for a snitch?'

'Lucky for you, I have a practice snitch on me.' James pulled out said item from his pocket with an arrogant smile. 'Best two out of three?'

'You're on.'

'Evans, would you be so kind as to be the one to release the snitch and reset the charms. You are ever so good with them.' James said as he strode over to Lily and bowed holding the snitch up to her.

Lily looked disgusted and opened her mouth to say something that was very possibly going to be rude, but Evan beat her to it.

'Please Lily, you are the most unbiased person here.'

Giving James a glare, she looked back to Evan and gave a stiff nod. 'All right. Shall I release it and you guys go for it in 2 minutes?'

'Sounds good.' James mounted his broom and gave Evan an arrogant smirk.

Evan did not smile back, he simply mounted his broom as well and gave himself the two minutes to calm down. Behind his shields his emotions were whirling and fighting, he wanted to do so well at this, to impress the people who would become his parents, but he also knew the reality was that really ought not to happen.

Don't attract attention to yourself. His Uncle had reminded him numerous times. Gaining any kind of attention right now was bad. He really didn't want Voldemort to seek him out, for any reason.

Soon those two minutes were up and he and James were flying about fifty feet in the air, looking for the small golden ball. If Evan really wanted to, he could seek out the charm that was used on practice snitches and find it that way, but that felt too much like cheating.

Evan glanced over at James who was at the moment chancing a glance at Lily.

Evan gave a roll of his eyes, really his future father was rather obvious.

As Evan's gaze swept over the other Marauders he saw a little flash of gold by Pettigrew's head. Deciding that it would probably be okay to win at least one round, if it meant scaring the crap out of Pettigrew, Evan turned his broom towards the rat.

Not wanting to leave much time for everyone to gather their wits about them, Evan went straight into a nose dive, at a most likely unsafe speed toward the blonde boy.

Evan heard someone in an alarmed voice inquire as to what he was doing, but he held true to his form and could not help the small smirk on his face as he hurdled toward a frightened looking Pettigrew.

Evan made sure his broom came to a dead stop when he was about a foot away from Pettigrew. The boy was frozen in fear and Evan knew it was passive aggressive and vindictive, but he really may have had parents if…

He calmly reached out with his hand and grabbed the snitch from where it was hiding behind Pettigrew's ear.

'Looks like I've got the first one.' Evan held back the urge to dance and taunt 'I won!' as he calmly sailed past Remus, Sirius and Peter to hand the snitch back to Lily. James was still where he had been when Evan had first seen the snitch.

All of the Gryffindor's mouths were open.

While he seemed a bit tense, Snape was smirking.

Sirius started to sputter. 'You didn't say you had previous training!'

Evan shrugged. 'You didn't ask.'

'If Potter hadn't been ogling Lily he might have had a chance.' Evan heard Snape's voice sneer as he passed Lily the snitch.

Evan gave Lily a sympathized look, really the two were both obvious, fighting for her attention like that. Lily seemed to still not have shaken off the shock of seeing the dive and was looking at Evan in bafflement.

James flew down in a determined sort of way. 'Right. You had the element of surprise on that one, but don't expect it to work again.'

'I don't expect it to.' Evan didn't plan on catching the snitch again.

Lily seemed to break out of whatever trance she had been in and reset the charm on the snitch.

Evan and James resumed their positions on the opposite sides of the clearing. James was staring at him in what Evan assumed he thought was an intimidating sort of way.

The two minutes passed and the two soared back into the air.

To make it look as if he was going to be at least attempting to find the snitch this time, Evan started to make circles around the clearing. Evan noticed that James was a bit further up than he was in the air, doing the same thing.

A flash of gold caught his eye once again. This time the snitch was much closer to James. Evan was on the opposite side and not high enough in the air to be where he needed to be to get to the snitch. Had he had his Firebolt, there was no question in his mind that we would be able to reach the snitch in time. Seeing as how he really did not want to catch the snitch, he was far away to at least pretend that he thought he could get there first.

Tilt To Live Give Peace A Chance Harder

Pulling his broom up, he saw that James had noticed the snitch as well. Urging his broom to not go at its complete speed, he made his face look determined as he flew towards the snitch and James.

James got there a full twenty feet before he had and Evan allowed a scowl pass onto his features.

Apparently driven by his determination to prove something, James flew down to the ground and passed the snitch back to Lily to reset the charms with no further delay.

Once Evan had reached the ground, Lily reset the charms. The two minutes this time seemed to drag on a bit, what with James staring Evan down with an arrogant smile on his face.

Once the two were in the air, Evan repeated the same task of circling the pitch, as did James. On his fourth circle of the clearing, Evan spotted the snitch near the same stump he and Snape had sat upon on his last visit to the area.

So as to make sure it wouldn't seem he was forfeiting the match, Evan started to dive down toward the snitch, James it appeared was right on his tail. The two of them were coming up on the snitch with great speed, but not as fast as Evan had dove for the quaffle recently, which told him something about how fast he had been going.

James was gaining on him, he could feel the teenagers presence as he made his way closer to the snitch. They were getting closer in the dive, they were probably ten feet away or so. Evan reached out with his hand and glancing to his left he saw James do the same.

Neck and neck they were getting closer and closer to the golden prize. When he was sure James and everyone else was too focused on the ball, Evan slowed his broom down marginally and watched as James closed the last bit of space between him and the snitch.

Evan pulled up on his broom, so as not to crash into the ground and watched as Sirius, Lupin and Wormtail made their way over to James to congratulate him. Evan could hear Sirius' loud voice say something about how he knew James would always win, and Pettigrew simpered about how no one was a better flier than James.

Evan made his way over to Lily and Snape; Lily looked quite shaken about the dive the two of them had just been attempting and Snape was pursing his lips a bit, a face he had seen many times on the man in the future.

With a glance over at the marauders, Snape looked back at him and eyed him evenly. 'You let him win.'

'What, but why?' Lily looked back over at the spectacle behind them.

'Sometimes, it is best to not let your true talents be known.' Evan said neither confirming nor denying Snape's statement.

Snape tilted his head in thought for a moment. 'Touché.'

'Are you going to explain why you were physically shaking in frustration earlier today?' Snape asked Evan moments after Lily went to find a book later that day as the three of them were revising homework in the library.

Evan let out a sigh. 'If you really want to know, I'll tell you. I warn you, you may not like the answer.' He put down his quill and rubbed at his face.

'Why won't I like it? I was worried you may have contracted some kind of strange illness or something.' Snape's confused voice proved to Evan that he really had no idea what he had done, or he was just forgetting.

'You know I don't like flying in front of people and still you taunted them!' Evan let out a bit harsher than he had meant to. It probably would have been better if he had saved this conversation for after he had had a run or meditated a bit so he could control his emotions better.

'Oh.' Snape looked down at his parchment, his face coloring slightly.

'I told you I couldn't-'

'Sorry!' Snape interrupted in a voice a bit loud for the library.

'What?' Evan let out weakly. Never in his life had he ever heard Severus Snape apologize. For anything.

'I said I'm sorry. It's just that- well I think you fly better than Potter does, and well, he and his friends are always so arrogant-'

'Remus isn't that bad.' Evan pointed out.

'He doesn't do anything to stop it. Sometimes that is worse. That's not the point though.' Meeting his gaze again, Evan saw those black eyes filled with worry and remorse. 'The point is I betrayed your trust and for that I am truly sorry.' He hung his head again, his black hair hiding his face from view.

'I-uhh,' Evan was still mad at Snape for goading the other boys, but the sight of him truly apologetic tore at his conscience. 'I forgive you- just don't do something like that again without consulting me first, please.'

'Really?' Snape's head snapped back up, honest surprise written all over his face.

'Yes, really.' Evan had to hold back a small laugh at Snape's shock, it wouldn't be too polite.

Severus' face broke out into a smile.

Wanting to change the subject back to normalcy, Evan coughed before asking his question, as if the cough was the social indicator for 'alls good, we can move on now'.

'So where is-

'Lily?!' Snape's smile fell and worry crossed back into his features as he looked past Evan.

Evan turned in his chair and understood Snape's worry. The girl did not look well at all. Her face was stark white, her dark red hair making it seem an unhealthy pale. Her green eyes were glassy and she looked nauseous.

Severus was out of his chair in an instant and at her side.

'Lils- what happened?! Are you okay?' Snape said guiding the girl slowly to her seat

'Yeah,' her voice sounded strangely distant. 'Yeah- I'm fine.'

'You look sick, Lily.' Evan reached out to her to offer some comfort, like she had done so often for him. 'Do you want me to take you to the hospital wing?' his handed landed on top of hers.

She looked over at him and shook her head slowly. 'No. No I think I'm going back to the tower.'

As if holding back great unease, she packed her bag slowly. As she did, Evan did a scan on her person to see if a spell was the cause for the behavior and when it came back negative for spell involvement, it relieved and worried him.

'Lily, you may want to have Pomfrey give you a once over just-' Snape started.

'I said I'm fine.' She snapped as she shoved her chair in. Her eyes must have met up with Snape. 'Shit, Sev. I'm sorry. I really am not feeling too well, I think… I just need to go lie down.' With that she all but fled from the library.

'Think we should go after her?' Evan asked Snape after a second.

'No, she rarely loses control of her emotions like that.' Snape shook his head. 'If she still seems off tomorrow at breakfast we shall speak with her about going to Pomfrey.'

Evan agreed and went back to his revising. By the end of the night he had a sneaking feeling he wasn't the only one who wasn't able to focus on his assignments.

'Are you going to meet up with us at Three Broomsticks this Saturday?' Evan asked Lily as he un-packed his notes on Wednesday evening.

'No, I don't think I will be able to do so.' Lily prodded the stone with her shoe.

Concern for her well being flooded Evan. 'Are you still not feeling well?'

'Ugh not this again.' Lily rolled her eyes. 'I'm fine, promise.'

'Oh, you swear you would go to Pomfrey if you weren't right? Cause Severus would have a fit if you didn't.' Evan felt throwing a joke at the end there may relieve the tension a bit.

'Actually,' Lily squared her shoulders, 'Damocles Belby asked me to go with him.'

'Belby,' Evan recognized the name from the Slug Club, 'Isn't he a 7th year Ravenclaw?'

'We've gotten along well enough in the past and he is certainly good looking.' Lily stated in a matter-of-fact tone.

'Err- okay.' Not really wishing to hear about Lily's dating life, he knew that she had probably dated before James, but still it was weird. Evan changed the subject back to the charm. 'So do you want to cast first?'

Lily didn't mention the abrupt change in conversation and simply nodded before holding her hand out in front of her.

'Inobservatus!' Her wand work was now precise and now she was just working on holding the charm in place.

Evan watched as the mist seemed to settle over her arm like a second skin before her whole arm disappeared.

'Well done Lily, that's brilliant!' Evan said as he turned over one of the sand timers they used to count how much time had passed.

'Thanks.' Her smile was hesitant, most likely from holding the charm.

Taking no further words from her as a sign for it to be his turn, Evan poised his wand over his hand and performed the spell.

He watched as the mist, nearly invisible in the air save for the small bits of light it caught, hugged his arm.

Lily let out an excited gasp. 'It says that once you have mastered the spell, it should look like that.'

Focusing on the mist he barely saw, he encouraged it to cover his whole body. There was a strange sensation, over his skin, as if he had been dipped in some kind of thick coating substance that reminded Evan of hair gel.

'You did it.' Lily sounded a little breathless as she looked at him, her green eyes wide.

Evan held out his hands in front of him and saw nothing.

'It's not even like some of the other charms I've read about that make you like a chameleon to your surroundings. There's no lines or anything!' Lily walked in a circle around the area he had been standing in.

An idea to see how well the charm was working, inspired Evan to cast a wand-less non-verbal muffling spell on his shoes and as Lily passes by where he was he crept to the other side of the room. Evan stifled a noise of excitement as Lily still paced around the area she thought he was in, critiquing all the while.

Sitting up on one of the desks Evan cancelled the charm on himself.

'Lily, your arm has faded.'

Lily turned around so she was facing him. 'How did-?'

Evan let out a laugh of nervous excitement. 'I guess this means that I have indeed, mastered the spell.'

'Alright you- give me some more pointers than!' Lily smiled and held her wand out to cast again.

Evan said his goodbyes to Lily later that night and as he turned down the corridor he heard someone calling his name.

'Oy, Michaels!'

Evan turned and saw James striding towards him at a brisk pace.

'Potter,' Evan replied evenly.

'I need to talk to you.'

'What about?'

'Look- the quidditch-'

'Potter-' Evan interrupted. 'You really wish to have a conversation in a corridor where anyone can hear?'

James thought on this for a moment and looked around. 'I suppose not, this way.' James led him into an un-used classroom.

Once the door was closed Evan debated throwing up a ward, but decided against it.

'What about the quidditch match?' Evan asked straightaway, wanting to get straight to the subject.

James eyed him critically for a moment. 'You let me win.'

Evan started. He had not been expecting that. Apparently that wasn't all James had to say.

'There is something strange about you Michaels- I know I should be wary of you and suspect you're up to some sort of indecent acts, but every time I do, I reason it out or something. Why is that- did you put some kind of spell on me?'

'Not my fault if I have a trusting face.' Evan said with a weak smile, hoping to feign innocence; which really wasn't so hard, seeing as how he had no idea why James would be feeling that way.

'You're quiet, you always seem so reserved and now you let me win at quidditch!' James was now pacing in the room, repeating himself in no manner that made sense to Evan. 'And you hang around Snivellus- which no one gets-'

'Don't call him that.' Evan interrupted.

'What you standing up for you fellow dark-'

'Don't you dare call me a dark wizard James Potter.'

'What?! Are you saying that you really don't have some kind of hidden agenda here? You just hangin' around sticking up with one of the kids who knows the most about the dark arts-'

'Lily hangs around him too!'

'Not nearly as much as you do!'

'We're in the same house! He's a nice bloke, maybe if you all weren't such dicks to him, you'd see that!' Evan threw up his arms in frustration.

'He's just as much of a greasy git back to us! Wait see, why am I doing this? Why am I defending my actions- I don't get it.' James stopped pacing and walked towards him. 'Prove it.'

'Prove what?'

'Prove you're not a dark wizard.' James said in a deadly serious voice.

'How am I supposed to do that?'

'Let me feel your magic.'

'Whatt—' Evan faltered. Showing another wizard your magic was usually done in peace negotiations, alliances among families, or marriages. It was usually done so you could see the compatibility of the two magic's and make sure the alliance would hold a strong magic backbone. While this was the traditional case, Evan was pretty sure Voldemort had done something like this with his followers to see how magically competent they were.

'Let me feel your magic,' James repeated in what appeared to be a reasonable tone, as if he was stating a simple equation. 'If you touch my hand and imagine showing someone-'

'I know how the process works, Potter. I just don't see how you feeling my magic will prove anything.' Evan looked around the room wondering if he should try stunning James, or just do what the other boy was asking so he could get him off his back.

'Well if you know how it works and you have nothing to hide, you should have no problem doing it. Shouldn't you?' James asked with a tilt to his head and cocky grin that displayed how much he thought he had won.

Evan thought about it for a moment. 'If I do this,' he began slowly 'I will have to modify your memory.'

'If you think it's-' James began to interrupt.

'It has nothing to do with how light or dark my magic is. It has to do with the fact that I'm not supposed to let anyone feel my magic. My Uncle would be pissed if he found out I was doing something like this.'

James looked at him the way Severus did when he was judging ingredients for a potion. 'What kind of memory charm?'

'It would allow you to know about my magic, but you would be unable to speak about it to anyone.'

James thought it over for another moment. 'Fine.' He held out his wand hand to Evan.

I really hope I don't regret this. Evan thought as he brought up his own hand and brought down most of his occlumency shields, keeping back the parts of his magic that had been cast with hate and a desire to cause his opponents pain.

Taking in a deep breath he let his magic collect around his hand and swept it over James' hand. As his hand was sweeping over James' palm he looked up into James' face and saw that the other boy's brown eyes were wide behind his glasses. At the last sweep over his palm James' eyes began to narrow as if concentration. Sensing something was going wrong, Evan pulled his magic in back behind his shields and his hand away from James.

James took his other hand and massaged his wand hand, while he looked at Evan with suspicion.


'You hide how powerful you are. Even though it's incredibly light magic- you still hide it.' James continued to massage his hand as if the act alone would answer his question.

'That's my business.' Evan stated in a voice that he hoped would leave no room for argument.

James looked as if he were about to argue on the point when his eyes widened considerably, if that was possible, and his whole body froze.

'What?' This wasn't supposed to happen when a wizard felt another's magic.

'You have Potter magic.' James' voice was distant and troubled.

'What are you on about Potter?' Evan prayed his voice didn't tremble as he spoke. Fuck fuck fuck.

'You do- you're a direct descendent of the Potter line, which doesn't make sense, because-'

Shit, this was bad. Deciding that James really couldn't be allowed to think anymore, Evan whipped out his wand and did a spell he had only seen done once.

'Ad delens in speciali sed non affectus!' Evan cried as his wand moved almost of its own accord around James in the same motions his Uncle had when he had cast the spell upon Dumbledore.

The spell hit James before he had any chance to react. His gaze went glassy for a moment than he shook his head.

'What did you do?'

'I modified you memory- I told you I would. Now that you got what you wanted, please leave me alone.' Evan did a quick sweep of James' person to make sure that his spell had stuck before he left the room. Leaving behind a confused but trusting James alone in the classroom.

Evan was still cursing busybodies, stupid Uncles and fate when he nearly ran into Dumbledore somewhere on the way back to the common room.

'Ah Mr. Michaels, just the young lad I was looking for.' Dumbledore eyed him over the top of his half-moon spectacles and those blue eyes were lacking their usual sparkle.

'Headmaster?' Evan did not add on that he wondered why Dumbledore would be looking for him.

'If you would be so kind to follow me down to my office for a quick chat?' Dumbledore asked politely but Evan knew there was only one answer to this proposal.

'Yes, sir?'

'Splendid!' Dumbledore made a motion for him to follow and as the two walked to the gargoyle, Dumbledore made inane chit-chat about the weather and what he suspected to be a doxy-infection in the north-east wing of the castle.

By the time they had taken their seats in the familiar office, Evan knew way more about doxy-infections than he ever wanted to know.

'Sir, may I ask what this is about?'

Dumbledore eyed him for a moment before speaking. 'How much do you know about sentient magic, Mr. Michaels?'

'I have not studied the subject extensively. I know that some buildings, but usually homes have a feeling to them, usually tied to the owner.'

Dumbledore eyed him for a moment. 'Did you know that often when one is tied to the wards, one can be alerted when there is magic cast that they would not approve of.'

'Er- no sir I did not know that.' Evan did not like where this was going.

'Tell me, Mr. Michaels, exactly why you would be performing a very extensive and powerful memory charm.' The twinkle was not completely gone from Dumbledore's eyes as he said this. Evan figured this meant that Dumbledore may not be completely angry with him, if he had a reasonable explanation. Luckily, he did.

'Sir, I performed a memory charm on James Potter. It was crucial that I did so, he was very close to finding out a key detail of my identity.'

'You believe he would have found out…'

Evan saw what Dumbledore was doing here, sneaky old coot. 'Yes, sir. He more than likely would have discovered who I was and that would be endangering to- many people.' Evan felt it was safer to say that, rather than him, his friends and oh, Lily Evans too.

'Alright, Mr. Michaels. I understand this, but please endeavor to not place memory charms on students, please be proactive about making sure it does not come down to you having to modify their memories.'

'Yes sir.' Evan sighed with relief, after all he had messed up a bit.

Dumbledore made the signal for him to go and as he reached the door Evan heard Dumbledore's voice again.

'Oh and Mr. Michaels?'

Evan turned and saw Dumbledore marking something on a parchment.

'I truly hope that invisibility spell you have learned, will not result in too much mischief.' He gave Evan a small glance at the end, and this time the blue eyes were twinkling.

'No sir, no mischief, just research.' Evan smiled back and turned to go back to his common room, it had been a long day.


Please read and review, it will make me happy and may make updates come sooner. I will try to get the next chapter out ASAP. So hopefully in two weeks! I have no idea though, new semesters and whatnot.

Thanks for reading!


Though the Beatles had begun to release solo recordings in the fall of 1968 as a means of building up the catalog of their recently formed Apple Records label, those recordings were experimental albums such as John Lennon and Yoko Ono's Unfinished Music No. 1 -- Two Virgins and George Harrison's Electronic Sound. 'Give Peace a Chance,' an Apple single released in July 1969 and credited to Plastic Ono Band, which featured Lennon and Ono, was a pop song, albeit an unusual one, and thus signaled a further separation of the members of the most popular rock & roll group in history. In the spring of 1969, Lennon, who had recently married Ono, was busy using his celebrity to promote peace at a time when the Vietnam War was still going strong. Denied a U.S. visa due to a drug conviction, he went to Montreal, where he and Ono took a room at the Queen Elizabeth Hotel on May 26 to stage a week-long 'bed-in for peace,' essentially on ongoing press conference in which they expressed their political views. During this period, Lennon was inspired to write 'Give Peace a Chance,' which was a chant, its verses listing more or less random words and names, beginning with the line, 'Everybody's talkin' 'bout,' and its chorus repeating the words, 'All we are saying is, 'Give peace a chance.' Thus, Lennon boiled down his message to the world in simple terms while mocking the surrounding complications. On June 1, he recorded 'Give Peace a Chance' in the hotel room with whoever was present singing along, the participants including Timothy Leary and Petula Clark. 'Give Peace a Chance' was released in early July and just missed topping the British charts while peaking just outside the U.S. Top Ten. (The song was credited to Lennon and Paul McCartney as songwriters though McCartney doesn't seem to have contributed to its composition.) On September 13, Lennon and a pickup band including Eric Clapton performed it at a music festival in Toronto, the show recorded and released in December as The Plastic Ono Band -- Live in Toronto. By then, the song had been taken up by peace activists, having been sung in front of the White House on November 15 during anti-war demonstrations. Lennon performed 'Give Peace a Chance' at the benefit concert he sponsored at Madison Square Garden on August 30, 1972, one of his final live appearances. The show was issued on the album Live in New York City in 1986. An excerpt of the song was used on the Lennon compilation Shaved Fish in 1975, but the original recording was not released on an album until the appearance of The John Lennon Collection in 1982, two years after Lennon's death. The song's form -- a catchy chorus with complicated, hard-to-follow verses (even Lennon admitted he couldn't remember them in Toronto) -- has tended to limit the number of cover versions, though the tune remains well-known. In 1991, Lennon's son, Sean Ono Lennon, organized a Peace Choir, which recorded a new version of 'Give Peace a Chance' with updated lyrics as a benefit. In the style of 'We Are the World,' he had each participant sing a line. Among the 42 performers and acts participating were Peter Gabriel, Bruce Hornsby, Lenny Kravitz, Little Richard, Randy Newman, Tom Petty, Iggy Pop, and Bonnie Raitt. The single became a minor hit.

Appears On

YearArtist/AlbumLabelTimeAllMusic Rating
1988 Capitol 4:52
1997 Capitol 4:51
Various Artists
Capitol 4:52
2010 Bear Family Records 4:53
2010 Capitol 4:50
2010 Capitol / EMI / Universal 4:54
2010 Capitol 4:52
Capitol 4:49