Tyranny Of Majority

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Unlock This Study Guide Now. Start your 48-hour free trial to unlock this The Tyranny of the Majority study guide and get instant access to the following. Summary; 1 Homework Help Question with. Then have them consider the title of the section, “The Tyranny of the Majority.” Ask them to figure out what tyranny means some possible correct answers: oppressive government, abuse of power, arbitrary or unrestrained rule. Let students know that the author sometimes uses the word “despotism” interchangeably with “tyranny”.

Quotes tagged as 'tyranny-of-majority' Showing 1-5 of 5
“[D]emocracy can itself be as tyrannical as a dictatorship, since it is the extent, not the source, of government power that impinges on freedom.'
-William F Buckley”
tags: democracy, freedom, government, tyranny-of-majority

“The liberation from ignorance and tyranny was a long war, because the oppressors always had the advantage. They smooth-talked the masses with lies and promises.”
tags: awareness, ignorance, libration, lies, masses, oppressors, promises, tyranny, tyranny-of-majority, tyranny-quotes, war

“The majority is by no means omniscient just because it is the majority. In fact, I've found that the line which divides majority opinion from mass hysteria is often so fine as to be virtually invisible.”
tags: democracy, majority-view, mass-hysteria, tyranny-of-majority

“It was like setting up a guillotine in the public square.You don't expect a thousand people to line up to put their heads in it.”

“Any human being has a fundamental right to fight for their rights, but that (own right) can not include anything that is fundamentally trying to deny others what is their fundamental right.
The root of Tyranny of Majority that Telangana is witnessing in India since 1956 and is expected to end in early 2014”
tags: india, rights, telangana, tyranny-of-majority

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The phrase 'tyranny of the majority' (or 'tyranny of the masses') is used in discussing systems of democracy and majority rule. It involves a scenario in which decisions made by a majority place its interests above those of an individual or minority group, constituting active oppression comparable to that of a tyrant or despot.


  • Critic: Are you trying to say that majority tyranny is simply an illusion? If so, that is going to be small comfort to a minority whose fundamental rights are trampled on by an abusive majority. I think you need to consider seriously two possibilities; first, that a majority will infringe on the rights of a minority, and second, that a majority may oppose democracy itself.
    Advocate: Let's take up the first. The issue is sometimes presented as a paradox. If a majority is not entitled to do so, then it is thereby deprived of its rights; but if a majority is entitled to do so, then it can deprive the minority of its rights. The paradox is supposed to show that no solution can be both democratic and just. But the dilemma seems to be spurious.
    Of course a majority might have the power or strength to deprive a minority of its political rights. [..] The question is whether a majority may rightly use its primary political rights to deprive a minority of its primary political rights.
    The answer is clearly no. To put it another way, logically it can't be true that the members of an association ought to govern themselves by the democratic process, and at the same time a majority of the association may properly strip a minority of its primary political rights. For, by doing so the majority would deny the minority the rights necessary to the democratic process. In effect therefore the majority would affirm that the association ought not to govern itself by the democratic process. They can't have it both ways.
    Critic: Your argument may be perfectly logical. But majorities aren't always perfectly logical. They may believe in democracy to some extent and yet violate its principles. Even worse, they may not believe in democracy and yet they may cynically use the democratic process to destroy democracy. [..] Without some limits, both moral and constitutional, the democratic process becomes self-contradictory, doesn't it?
    Advocate: That's exactly what I've been trying to show. Of course democracy has limits. But my point is that these are built into the very nature of the process itself. If you exceed those limits, then you necessarily violate the democratic process.
    • Robert A. Dahl, Democracy and Its Critics (1989), Ch. 12 : Process and Substance
  • When an individual endeavors to lift himself above his fellows, he is dragged down by the mass, either by means of ridicule or of calumny. No one shall be more virtuous or more intellectually gifted than others. Whoever, by the irresistible force of genius, rises above the common herd is certain to be ostracized by society, which will pursue him with such merciless derision and detraction that at last he will be compelled to retreat into the solitude of his thoughts.
    • Heinrich Heine, Heinrich Heine: His Wit, Wisdom, Poetry (1892), p. 26
  • Men are not infallible; they err very often. It is not true that the masses are always right and know the means for attaining the ends aimed at. “Belief in the common man” is no better founded than was belief in the supernatural gifts of kings, priests, and noblemen. Democracy guarantees a system of government in accordance with the wishes and plans of the majority. But it cannot prevent majorities from falling victim to erroneous ideas and from adopting inappropriate policies which not only fail to realize the ends aimed at but result in disaster. Majorities too may err and destroy our civilization.
    • Ludwig von Mises, Human Action (1949), Ch. 9 : The Role of Ideas
  • The Indian National Congress' concept of nationalism is based on the establishment of a national state of the majority community in which other nationalities and communities have only secondary rights. The Muslims think that no tyranny can be [as] great as the tyranny of the majority.
    • Pirpur report. From the Report of the Enquiry Commission Appointed by the Council of the All-India Muslim League to Inquire into some Muslim Grievances in Congress Provinces, also known as the Pirpur report (1938)), cited in K.K. Aziz, Muslims under Congress rule 1937-1939, vol.1, p.311, also quoted in Elst, Koenraad (2001). Decolonizing the Hindu mind: Ideological development of Hindu revivalism. New Delhi: Rupa. p.18-19
  • These pioneering codifiers of working liberal democracy — from James Madison to Mill — were all agreed on the three fundamental pillars standing in the way of either Caesarist domination or majoritarian tyranny. The first was the inviolable sovereign authority of an elected legislature, without whose consent no laws could be enacted or executed. The second was an independent judiciary committed to upholding the rule of law, from which no one including (and especially) the chief executive would be exempt. The third was the sanctity of freedom of the press and all forms of expressed opinion; a principle most majestically articulated in John Milton’s Areopagitica.
    • Simon Schama, 'Simon Schama: who speaks for the people?', Financial Times (October 4, 2019)
  • To secure approval one must remain within the bounds of conventional mediocrity. Whatever lies beyond, whether it be greater insight and virtue, or greater stolidity and vice, is condemned. The noblest men, like the worst criminals, have been done to death.
    • John Lancaster Spalding, Aphorisms and Reflections (1901), p. 196

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