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Istrolid game server reverse engineered!!

How does it work

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It basically just listens on a web socket server and sends everything it got to sim

What's needed


  1. Get the server code
  1. Edit config.json to change:
  • name to your server name
  • port to the port you want your server to run on
  • addr is your public ip
  • root_addr is the ip to root server or proxy, in would look like ws://address:port/server
  1. Install missing dependencies
  1. Run the server

Server Name

To help the players distinguish which servers are community hosted, add the start of your in game nameto in the end of the server name, in brackets.For example, if you want to name your server 'Feon', and your name is Johndoe2000, use 'Feon (John)'as your server name.

Watson scott test game free. Edit: Thanks for the feature!Hi there. I'm Rena, and I'll be reviewing some indie games that have surfaced in popularity and unpopularity.

This also makes it easier for others to find you when there's a problem with the server.

Templar battleforce guide. We've also notarized the game to improve our Mac OS support.Reinforced Structures no longer gives more Tact Point HP than listed in the description.On the Relic front - two weapons have had their icon updated to the relic art and one relic armor that was allowing multiple equips is now working as intended.We've fixed one Talent description and also fixed an issue that was preventing two of the Captain's debuff Talents from ever stacking.A huge thanks to everyone playing, leaving a review and leading the charge against the xeno! Update #90 fixes some of the last little issues in the game that have been reported from the player base.

Root server proxy

Root proxy is no longer required, but can still be used.I have one set up here ws://

Just put it in root_addr field in config.json, then you can access it through

Dont forget to open holes on your router


There's a nodejs repl server listening on localhost port 5001.You can use this tool to access it